
The Test

  • MicroPlace had an internal system which provided issuers the financial reports they needed to remain compliant with regulators, as well as their auditing needs, enabling people to invest more than $58 million to help individuals and communities around the world.
  • As the reporting needs of the issuers became too difficult to manage internally, MicroPlace reached out to CodeScience to develop an application which would send all issuer data to MicroPlace’s Salesforce account, where the reports can be built and maintained.

The coolest thing about this project is that you got to meet the issuers that MicroPlace had been working with, and realizing the amazing work they are doing to make socially-responsible investing available to everyone.”

Ron Kiker, CodeScience, Product Manager

The Science

  • CodeScience took the approach of developing an unmanaged app for MicroPlace
  • Created the app which is manually distributed to each issuer
  • After nearly 18 months of collaboration and hard work, the MicroPlace Issuer Portal App was completed

The Results

  • The reporting functionality native to Salesforce enabled MicroPlace the ability to offer far more information with its older solution
  • Increased the issuers’ ability to properly forecast cash outflow several years out

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