
Being in the art of user experience means you get to constantly explain what it all means. Not only is it still fairly new, but also so engaging to discuss. While I may be a bit biased on that, I want to share an artifact that I created to help explain the purpose of Personas, and how we build them out.


A high level view of the UX pieces and how they are used

First, we can see the overall flow of what aids what by following from top to bottom. To the side of the Personas box, I’ve included ways that can be used to gather data which will help answer the questions we try to fill when building the Personas we need for a project. Personas are going to help us figure out who we are designing for, or, more specifically, who will use what we build. As you can see, this Persona information pours into other UX deliverables, such as user stories, views inventories, and wireframes. In addition, we can design out the routes our Personas will take to accomplishing their tasks. This is a high level view of how we create these useful UX pieces. They can be vital for projects and make a huge impact on the launched product. If done well, great UX continues after your users buy in. This primer is just the beginning.